Campbell Sci – 03002-L Wind Sentry

The 03002 uses a cup wheel assembly to measure wind speed. Rotation of the cup wheel produces an ac sine wave that is directly proportional to wind speed. The frequency of the ac signal is measured by a data logger pulse count channel, then converted to engineering units (mph, m/s, knots). Campbell Scientific’s version uses shielded bearings, which lowers the anemometer’s threshold.

Wind direction is sensed by a potentiometer. With the precision excitation voltage from the data logger applied to the potentiometer element, the output signal is an analog voltage that is directly proportional to the azimuth angle of the wind direction.




Operating Temperature Range -50° to +50°C (assuming non-riming conditions)
Height 32 cm (12.6 in.)
Crossarm Length 40 cm (15.7 in.) between instruments (center-to-center)
Mounting Diameter 34 mm (1.34 in.); mounts on standard 1-in. IPS pipe

Wind Speed (Anemometer)

Range 0 to 50 m/s (0 to 112 mph)
Gust Survival 60 m/s (134 mph)
Sensor 12-cm diameter cup wheel assembly, 40-mm diameter hemispherical cups
Accuracy ±0.5 m/s (1.1 mph)

Wind Direction (Vane)

Mechanical Range 360°
Electrical Range 352° (8° open)
Settling Time 20 ms
Sensor Balanced vane; 16 cm turning radius
Accuracy ±5°

Additional information


Campbell Sci