Measurement | Range | Accuracy | Resolution |
Wind speed | 0m/s to 50m/s | ±1 m/s (speed < 10 m/s);
± 10% (speed ≥ 10 m/s) |
0.1m/s |
Wind direction | 0° to 359° | ± 15° | 1° |
Temperature | -40°C to 60°C | ±0.3°C (± 0.6°F) | 0.1°C (± 0.1°F) |
Humidity | 1% to 99% | ±3.5% | 0.01 |
Light | 0Klux to 200Klux | ±25% | 0.1Klux |
UVI | 1~15 | ±2 | 1 |
Rain | 0~9999 | ± 10% | 0.3 mm (for volume < 1,000 mm);
1 mm (for volume ≥ 1,000 mm |
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Telemetri | Real-time display with graphic Data download and monitoring |